Mehndi design was typically used by females or ladies to art hand and leg. But slowly mehndi has become a modern fashion art and it is used for kids as well.
In this article I will present few design samples and collection of several simple mehndi designs for kids.
Simple mehndi design means basically easy to art, beginner friendly and simple in look as well.
Considering the above facts, I have categorized this topic into the below sub-topics:
- Simple front hand mehndi designs for kids
- Simple back hand mehndi designs for kids
- Simple feet mehndi designs for kids
Let’s take a look in detail in the coming sections.
Simple front hand mehndi designs for kids
Kids mehndi designs are not similar to that of other ones. Kids art needs character patterns, animals, cartoon characters etc.
And as we are making some simple designs it must be easy and for a beginner artists.
Keeping things in mind, I have selected all the below designs for you which can be drawn as simple as possible.
Let’s take a look at the simple mehndi design for kids which can be drawn by any beginner artist.
This is a very minimal and simple design which has puppy paws design not so randomly but not on a straight line as well.
At the bottom of the front hand and on the wrist a cat mustache is done with ears.
You can start drawing this art from the top left of the palm and continue downwards. This was you can easily calculate the length and draw till the bottom of the palm and continue to draw the other art on the wrist.
See the below design which is also simple to draw.
You can write something or just the name of the kid in one hand designed along with some stars, half moon etc.
On the other hand this contains a unicorn design. This is actually simple to draw but If you think even this is not a simple one for you then you can choose any other character or drawing on the other front hand or palm.
This is another simple step by step guide of simple mehndi design for kids that contains the famous cartoon character the mickey mouse.
As shown in the picture, first draw the big circle, then small circles as the ears, then continue circular eyes, oval nose and a semi circular mouth.
Then continue drawing the lower body part which is simple straight lines and then the shows with some curved lines.
Once the base pattern of the mickey mouse is ready either you can keep it there or fill it to make it complete as shown in the last picture.
Simple back hand mehndi designs for kids
The palm is called as the front hand, similarly the opposite of that will be the back hand.
As we are drawing for kids, you can choose to draw some animals, cartoon characters or as the back hand has some more space you can add other typical designs.
Let’s start with the first example.
This a very minimal and simple back hand design for kids which contains stars and some complementing lines.
Pretty easy to draw and simple in look as well.
This is also a very simple design but you need to understand the initial pattern and start design to cover the other parts of the design.
I will suggest to start with the heart shaped nose then draw the mouth and big circular eyes and then go to cover the other curves and lines.
Take your own time to understand the way it is easy for you and then start drawing it.
It is simple in look and design but not as simple as the other ones.
This is a simple unicorn design on the back hand and stars on the finger with complementing dots.
Here you first start with the unicorn horse face and then cover its hairs.
Once that is done, go to cover the finger with stars. This way it will be much easier for you to draw this art.

Simple feet mehndi designs for kids
Simple feet design is usually done for new born babies and it can also be done for young kids.
Having said that, I will keep few feet mehndi designs for kids and few for new born babies in my list.
You can choose one of the art to design for your kid.
This is one example which is designed on a year or two old baby.
Just a simple floral design in the center of the feet which is extended by adding some leaf designs.
This is a similar flower design with thick curved lines that extends the core circular design.
This requires a little patience from the kid and from the designer as well.
Below is a simple mehndi design for kids on their feet which uses only curved lines ad dots.
You can add some design on the feet and fingers, or the leg as well as drawn in this picture.
It is fun to do mehndi design for kids but the only thing is that the kids should have enough patience till the mehndi art is put on them and even later till it gets dried up.
If you have looked at all these mehndi designs you would know that the simple mehndi designs for kids are different than the typical design for elders.
This is all about simple designs for kids and nothing else. For other kinds you can visit the Kids Mehndi design which covers many more versatile pictures and collections.